Slip Resistance Group Spain
Asociación española para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.
"Falls are not an ordinary risk of life."
It is always a cause-effect relationship.
Doctor Ingeniero de minas.
Profesor Asociado E.T.S.I. Minas y Energía (UPM).
Presidente SRGS. SlipResistance Group Spain.
Presidente Sub-Comité CTN 41 /SC 11 deslizamiento .
Gerente de FELAB (Federación Española de Laboratorios) - Asociación de Entidades de Ensayo, Calibración y Análisis.
Auditor y Experto Técnico .
Dr. Arquitecto
Vocal Sub-Comité CTN 41 /SC 11 deslizamiento
Miembro ASEPAU (Asociación de Profesionales de la Accesibilidad)
Vocal en el grupo accesibilidad COAM (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid).
Actividad centrada en la creación de espacios seguros y confortables. Gestor de riesgos de deslizamiento.
Secretaria General. SRGS. SlipResistance Group Spain. Asociación para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.
General Secretary
Dra. Raquel García Campillo
Dr. Miguel Sánchez Fernández
On behalf of the members represented here, the expert members of the Spanish Sub-Committee AEN-CTN 41 / SC 11, belonging to AENOR, Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja - CSIC and accredited laboratories ENAC, we offer our technical advice for all questions global and private.
All the organizations mentioned in this document have their doors open through their respective contacts to resolve any questions they may have regarding the application of the regulations.
The experience of the aforementioned organizations in the study and development of the regulations, checking tests and materials available in the pavement market can provide support in matters such as:
Interpretation of regulatory requirements
Application of methods and interpretation of test results
Participation in expertise
Contact with the working groups that elaborate the current regulation for future adaptations or modifications
Organization of training and information seminars