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"Falls are not an ordinary risk of life."

It is always a cause-effect relationship.

SRGS, resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003




resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



If you have suffered a fall injury, if you do not know if the pavements of your premises or installation meet the required parameters or require advice on applicable regulations as well as testing methods, please contact us through the form Contact.

In Spain, nearly 1,000,000 older people are injured outside their homes, and 1,500,000 accidents occurr. This means an accident rate of 12.8% of the population over 65 years.

From the SRGS for the cases of judicial expert reports, we recommend that the tests be carried out with accredited laboratories ENAC

The term laboratory is associated, generally, to organizations of high technical and scientific level equipped with advanced technical means and with highly qualified personnel ..., but unfortunately the reality is not necessarily that.

The reality is that among the companies that provide test or calibration services are those that, in effect, have shown that this idea that is generally held by a laboratory is true and others that have not. The first ones have an ENAC accreditation. The second ones, no.

Therefore, when a company plans to hire testing or calibration services, if it wants to have the maximum guarantees of technical competence without taking risks, it must opt ​​for accredited laboratories, because they have shown to have the necessary technical solvency while in the case of non-accredited laboratories, only personal confidence remains in the statements of the laboratory itself.

All this has been demonstrated to ENAC, the only body designated in Spain to carry out this type of evaluation, which has evaluated them through a rigorous audit process involving technical experts in each accredited technique and according to established and recognized criteria. internationally


None of this is guaranteed if you choose to hire non-accredited laboratories.


All laboratories offer the same services to the market that, at times, affect critical aspects for the applicant of the tests and that may affect the safety of products and people, making decisions about tests carried out by laboratories that do not They have proven their competence can bring consequences to the company.


Link documento de ENAC


resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

"Slips, trips & Falls " 

Conference Madrid 2020

organizado por

SLIPS,TRIPS & FALLS Conferencia internacional Madrid 2020
Dra. Raquel García Campillo

Vocal Sub-Comité  CTN 41 /SC 11 deslizamiento

Doctor Arquitecto

resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

Miembro ASEPAU (Asociación de Profesionales de la Accesibilidad)

Vocal en el grupo accesibilidad COAM (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid).

Secretaría General.  SRGS. Slip Resistance Group Spain. 

““Slipperiness significantly compromises
the health and safety of users””
resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003
© Copyright SRGS

Prohibida la copia, reproducción o uso de los textos e imágenes de esta web sin permiso de la SRGS.

 Slip Resistance Group Spain

Asociación española para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.

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