Slip Resistance Group Spain
Asociación española para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.
"Falls are not an ordinary risk of life."
It is always a cause-effect relationship.
Courses SRGS 2018-2019
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We organize training courses for all those who feel responsible for the materials we use and install in our projects, with the aim of preserving the health and safety of all users.
In short, the SRGS intends, with the participation of a network of national and international experts, to become a laboratory of ideas on the prevention of falls in pedestrian traffic, with the aim of developing proposals for improving accessibility, based on the conviction that it is necessary to propose some reforms to put it in value as an instrument for a better development of public policies
In our courses we have the most expert collaborators in their corresponding activities.
A deep knowledge of the problems of falls
Courses SRGS
Falls prevention pools.
Slippery floor control.
Training courses for Environmental Health Technicians of the CAAA
From the SRGS we are coordinating a FREE courses for the Environmental Health Departments of the Autonomous Communities for the years 2018-2019.
FALL-ER study on falls in elderly people of Fundación Mapfre: after follow-up of patients after 6 months of emergency care, 11% had died.
Most of the autonomic Decrees regulating the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the swimming pools for public use in each Autonomous Region refer to the slipperiness of the pavements, indicating that several zones must be non-slip but do not establish criteria or measurement systems.
The slippage of pavements installed in spaces in general should be treated with greater interest by all the agents involved due to the seriousness of the problem caused by serious injuries after falls. This is the most important element when it comes to getting in touch with the different spaces in which we develop our activities of daily life, and therefore it should be highlighted as safe and comfortable for all users.
Speakers Course.
organizado por
Dra. Raquel García Campillo
Dr. Arquitecto
Vocal Sub-Comité CTN 41 /SC 11 deslizamiento
Miembro ASEPAU (Asociación de Profesionales de la Accesibilidad)
Vocal en el grupo accesibilidad COAM (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid).
Actividad centrada en la creación de espacios seguros y confortables. Gestor de riesgos de deslizamiento.
Secretaria General. SRGS. Slip Resistance Group Spain. Asociación para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.
Dra. Elena Frías López
Dr. Arquitecto
Instituto de ciencias de la construcción Eduardo Torroja.CSIC
Vocal Sub-Comité CTN 41 /SC 11 deslizamiento
Vocal SRGS. Slip Resistance Group Spain. Asociación para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.
Dr. Juan Queipo de Llano Moya
Dr. Arquitecto
Instituto de ciencias de la construcción Eduardo Torroja.CSIC
Vicepresidente Sub-Comité CTN 41 /SC 11 deslizamiento
Vocal SRGS. SlipResistance Group Spain. Asociación para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.
Juan Manuel Iriarte Gil
Miembro Experto Comite AENOR-CTN41 /SC 11 deslizamiento
Miembro Comite europeo CEN/TC 339 Methods of Slip Resistance
Representante de la Delegación española en el Comite europeo CEN/TC 339 Methods of Slip Resistance
Director técnico Laboratorio de resbaladicidad
Laboratorio acreditado ENAC
Jesús Hernández Hueros
Responsable de Prevención de Fundación MAPFRE
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial.
Masters en Prevención: Seguridad, Higiene Industrial y Ergonomia y Psicosociología Aplicada.
Especialista Universitario en Promoción de la Salud.
Miembro del Consejo de Prevención del COITIM.
BLOCK I. Introduction to slipperiness. Slipiness and Technical Building Code.
Dr.Juan Queipo de Llano y Dr. Elena Frías
BLOCK II. Problematic falls. Statistics Fall studies Fundación Mapfre.
Jesús Vicente Hernández Hueros, Raquel García Campillo
BLOCK III. Methods applicable to pavements pools to check slipperiness.
Juan Manuel Iriarte y representantes de Laboratorios para la Calidad de la Edificación de la CCAA.
BLOCK IV. The evolution in safety of new materials for swimming pool pavements.
Representantes de fabricantes de pavimentos de piscinas.
BLOCK V. Temporary economic anti-slip solutions.
Representantes de fabricantes de soluciones antideslizantes temporales para pavimentos de piscinas.
Main characteristics of Course
The courses are coordinated with the Departments of Environmental Health of each Autonomous Community, so that all the representatives of the Environmental Health Departments and technicians of the provinces belonging to said Autonomous Community are given in the same session.
In the year 2018, 6 Courses are planned and will be granted by virtue of an application order.
All travel, hotel and subsistence expenses of the speakers are borne by the SRGS.
It is required by the DPs. of Environmental Health of the Autonomous Communities that have a room according to the number of attendees that they deem appropriate.