Slip Resistance Group Spain
Asociación española para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.
"Las caídas no son un riesgo ordinario de la vida."
Es siempre una relación causa-efecto.
Colaboradores ObSRGS/ Observatorio de la SRGS
Los contenidos de video no se pueden visionar en formato móvil.
Nuestro ObSRGS /Observatorio de a SRGS esta formada por colaboradores nacionales e internacionales, de carácter multidisciplinar, dirigida con el objetivo de trabajar en el al estudio, análisis, investigación, formación e información de cada uno de los parámetros o agentes que intervienen en las caídas por deslizamiento, resbalamiento o tropiezo en los espacios de uso público.
Un espacio internacional abierto a las opiniones científicas de expertos de todo el mundo.
Informes, análisis y opiniones de interés en nuestro ObSRGS/ Observatorio de la SRGS
Desde la comunidad de colaboradores, el Observatorio de de la SRGS pondrá a disposición de los usuarios informes y análisis de interés sobre los temas más actuales relacionados con la accesibilidad y prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal. Todos nuestro colaboradores tienen abierto nuestro Observatorio de de la SRGS para publicar sus artículos de opinión de diferentes ámbitos firmados por ellos mismos.
Mr.Richard Bowman
Chair, International Ergonomics Association Technical Committee on Slips, Trips and Falls
Member, Standards Australia BD-094 - Slip Resistance of Flooring Surfaces
Member, British Standards Institute B/539 Ceramic tiles and other rigid tiling
Member, ASTM F13 Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear
Member, UK Slip Resistance Group
President, Australian Ceramic Society
Carl Strautins
Director of NATA (ILAC Signatory) accredited laboratory for testing (AS 4596 & AS 4663 for pendulum ,tortus and both German ramp methods) and pendulum calibrations (BS 7976-3).
Drafting leader for Australian Standard AS 4586-2013 Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials and was part of the working group which specified prescriptive slip resistance requirements (deemed-to-satisfy provisions) within the National Construction Codes (NCC), previously known as the Building Code of Australia (BCA).
NATA technical assessor and part of NATA Accreditation Advisory Committee (AAC).
First company in the world for accreditation to ISO 17020 as an inspection body for slip and fall inspections, design verification and slip and fall management plans.
Ir. Marcel Engels
Engineer Chemical Technology at the Technical University of Eindhoven Netherlands
Project Manager Silicate Ceramics at the Forschungsinstitut für Anorganische Werkstoffe – Glas/Keramik GmbH Höhr-Grenzhausen.
Dutch delegate in the CEN/TC 67 he has been involved in development and application of tile standard tests, including slip resistance on ceramic tiles.
As FGK project manager he is specialized in surface characterisation and slip testing, which was the basis for his participation in international projects like the SlipSTD Project as well as in national and international groups and in lectures at symposia on this topic.
Project Manager Process- and Application Technology Ceramics at FGK.
Gülden Tok
Quality Specialist / Researcher (Material Science Eng. Msc, Envionmental Eng.. Msc)
Inorganic materials, Traditional Ceramics especially glazes and frits of ceramic tiles.
Scratch and impact resistance of tiles. S
lipperiness of ceramic tiles, relationship between this phenomena with microstructural and microchemical properties of materials.
Glass - ceramic materials Final product tests and correlation of the structural properties of the tiles
Joaquim José Rodrigues Cravo Valente de Almeida
Licenciatura em Engenharia Cerâmica e do Vidro pela Universidade de Aveiro
CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO DA CERÂMICA E DO VIDRO, responsável da Medição e Ensaio.
Colabora com o CTCV - Sistemas, como Auditor da Qualidade, na realização de Planos de Inspecção e Ensaio e de Auditorias a Sistemas de Garantia de Qualidade, tendo já realizado diversas Auditorias a Laboratórios quer a nível nacional como no estrangeiro.
Formador cursos "Qualidade Total para a Indústria Cerâmica", APICC e IEFP, Coimbra.
Ana paula Margarido Menegazzo
Graduada en Ingeniería de Materiales por la Universidad Federal de São Carlos (1993),
Maestría en Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Materiales por la Universidad Federal de São Carlos (1997)
Doctorado en Tecnología Nuclear por la Universidad de São Paulo (2001)
Tiene experiencia en el área de Ingeniería de Materiales y Metalúrgica, con énfasis en Materiales Cerámicos, actuando principalmente en los siguientes temas: calidad, gres porcelánico, baldosas cerámicas, métodos de ensayos, propiedades físicas, químicas y mecánicas de baldosas cerámicas, métodos de ensayos de delizamientos, coeficiente de fricción, procesamiento, materiales de construcción, desempeño de edificaciones, certificación de calidad de producto , certificación de sistema de gestión de calidad, programa sectorial de calidad (PSQ), normalizaciones nacionales e internacionales y gestión de proyectos de investigación y desarrollo junto a los Organismos de Fomento a la Investigación.
Reuven Kushman
1979-2015 Technological manager at Negev Ceramics Israel.1985-2015 Director of Quality Assurance at Negev Ceramics.
1981-2015 Member in Israeli standards committee.1995-2018 Menber in the Israeli Committees of experts for slip resistamce 511036.
Starting 2007 Representing the Israeli Standard Institute and the head of the Israeli delegation at ISO TC 189 as a PO member .
Was nominated as the Israeli expert in the following ISO working groops: WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4, WG6, WG7 and WG10 - Slip resistance
Since 2015 I am Representing the Israel Industrial Assosication in the Ceramic Tlle World Forum (WCTF).
2015- Owner on a consulting conpany K.R.Consultans2015- Preparing legal opinion on claims in Tiles from all type of aspects.
2017- Consulting tile producers in Technological process and standartization
Teresa Ferrer Gimeno
Licenciada en farmacia por la Universidad de Navarra
Farmacéutica de Salud Publica del Gobierno de Navarra por oposición
Jefa de la Sección de Sanidad Ambiental del Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra por concurso de méritos
M. Sagrario Laborda Santesteban
Doctora en Farmacia por la Universidad de Navarra.
Master en Atención al Medio (Atención Sanitaria al Medio Ambiente) del Gobierno de Navarra en colaboración con el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo y la Oficina Regional para Europa de la Organización Mundial de la Salud.
Farmacéutica de Salud Pública de la Sección de Sanidad Ambiental del Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra del Gobierno de Navarra.
Steve Thorpe
Chairman of UKSRG UK Slip Resistance Group .
The UKSRG is the leading independent authority on slip resistance in the UK
Steve Thorpe is a Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner working at the City of London Corporation. After completing a degree in Microbiology he decided against working in a laboratory and undertook the MSc. Environmental Health, qualifying in 2002. He started out working at Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council for several years in a commercial environmental health role covering food, noise and health & safety. After further studies in health and safety, he moved to London in 2007 to join the specialist H&S team at the City and every day continues to learn about the unique world that is the Square Mile. He is a Primary Authority partner for Virgin Active amongst others, has contributed to a number of national health and safety guidance documents and represents Local Authorities on the Legionella Control Association Management Committee. He is also a founding member of the Leisure Expert Panel. In his not so spare time Toby enjoys running, power kiting, amateur dramatics, cheese and wine – not necessarily in that order.
Simon Hall
Technical manager at Lucideon Ltd. a UKAS accredited laboratory covering ceramic tableware, refractory materials, construction materials(includes ceramic tiles and slip resistance of all flooring using the pendulum and the ramp). Director, membership secretary and treasurer for the UK Slip Resistance Group. British Standard Institute Committee member of B507/7, Slip resistance of pedestrian surfaces. Represent BSI on European committee TC339. Ad-hoc group member for the pendulum method and ad-hoc leader for the ramp tests working on TS 16165.
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