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"Falls are not an ordinary risk of life."

It is always a cause-effect relationship.

SRGS, resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

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SRGS, resbaladicidad, prevención, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003




resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



“Pavements will have a class
by virtue of its location 

CTE Technical Building Code

Article 12. Basic safety requirements for use and accessibility (SUA)
1 The purpose of the basic requirement "Safety of use and accessibility" is to reduce to acceptable limits the risk of users suffering immediate damage to the intended use of buildings as a result of the characteristics of their design, construction, use and maintenance , as well as to facilitate the access and the non-discriminatory, independent and safe use of the same to persons with disabilities.
2 In order to meet this objective, buildings shall be designed, constructed, maintained and operated in such a way as to meet the basic requirements set out in the following sections.
3 The DB-SUA Basic Document Safety of use and accessibility specific objective parameters and procedures whose fulfillment ensures the satisfaction of the basic requirements and the exceedance of the minimum levels of quality typical of the basic requirement of security of use and accessibility.

SRGS, resbaladicidad, prevención, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003




resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



“Mantendrán dicha clase
durante toda la vida útil del pavimento

CTE Código Técnico de la Edificación

SRGS, resbaladicidad, prevención, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

Copy, reproduction or use of the texts and images of this website is forbidden without the permission of the SRGS. "

SRGS, resbaladicidad, prevención, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003
SRGS, resbaladicidad, prevención, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

The slip resistance value Rd is determined by the pendulum test described in Annex A of UNE-ENV 12633: 2003 using the C scale on test specimens without accelerated wear.

The sample selected will be representative of the most unfavorable conditions of slipperiness.

Slipperiness of floors
1. In order to limit the risk of slipping, the floors of buildings or areas of use Residential Public, Sanitary, Teaching, Commercial, Administrative and Public Concurrence, excluding zones of zero occupation defined in the annex SI A of DB SI , will have a suitable class according to item 3 of this section.
2. Soils are classified, according to their value of resistance to sliding Rd, according to the established in the table:

 12.1. Basic Requirement SUA 1: Safety against the risk of falls
It will limit the risk that users will fall, for which the floors will be adequate to encourage people not to slip, trip or make mobility difficult. Likewise, the risk of falls in gaps, changes in level and in stairs and ramps will be limited, facilitating the cleaning of external glazing in safety conditions.

2.2.3.DA DB-SUA / 3 Soil slippage March 2014
Document of Support to the Basic Document DB-SUA Safety of use and accessibility Technical Building Code

This document develops a list of safe soils that in the opinion of the Administration comply with the SUA1 requirement to the extent that they sufficiently limit the risk of users suffering falls due to slippage. These floors can be used in any area of the building without the need for the test (provided that its face is not modified with a subsequent treatment such as polishing, polishing, etc.).

resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003
© Copyright SRGS

Prohibida la copia, reproducción o uso de los textos e imágenes de esta web sin permiso de la SRGS.

 Slip Resistance Group Spain

Asociación española para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.

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