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Slip Resistance Group Spain
Asociación española para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.

"Falls are not an ordinary risk of life."
It is always a cause-effect relationship.

Artículos destacados

STOP falls pools.

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The Royal Decree 742/2013 came into force on September 27, 2013, which establishes the sanitary criteria of swimming pools. Although it does not include the control of the slipperiness of public swimming pool pavements, it obliges landlords and those responsible for the facilities to record the incidents that cause injuries and injuries and inform the authorities.
Most of the autonomous decrees regulating the sanitary conditions of the public swimming pools of each CCAA refer to the slipperiness of the pavements indicating that they must be non-slip various areas but do not establish criteria or measurement systems.

The owners of the facilities only report the incidents when they are serious injuries. But there will be a lot of falls due to the slippage of the pavements, which will not be serious because of the causation, but they could have been. These pavements will remain a serious risk for users of the pools.
The slipperiness of pavements installed in spaces in general should be treated with greater interest by all agents involved due to the seriousness of the problem caused by serious injuries after falls. It is the most important element when it comes to contact with the different spaces in which we develop our activities of daily living, and therefore it should be highlighted as safe and comfortable for all users.
From the SRGS we propose that
health policy at national level
control of slipperiness
for the prevention of risks of falls in swimming pools

The slipperiness of pavements installed in spaces in general should be treated with greater interest by all agents involved due to the seriousness of the problem caused by serious injuries after falls. It is the most important element when it comes to contact with the different spaces in which we develop our activities of daily living, and therefore it should be highlighted as safe and comfortable for all users.

“There are valid precedents
legislation on the control of slipperiness
in CCAA as Navarre
which are exportable to all other regions "

Environmental health of the Government of Navarre has been a pioneer in the prevention of risk situations, according to the slipperiness of the pavements when demanding tests of slipperiness. It is a valid precedent that has laid the foundations of slipperiness in the world of the safety of users of swimming pools and example to follow in other communities.

From the SRGS we offer technical advice to develop valid protocols of easy and simple implantation for the control of the slipperiness of the pools of collective use


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Our objective is to commit all the agents involved (Administration, Health, facility owners, manufacturers of specific pavements of swimming pools, laboratories of accredited tests ...) to the control of the slipperiness of the floors of pools of collective use.
Periodic monitoring of the slippage of all these pavements, through on-site Pendulum tests, will lead to improvements in safety and limit the risk of injury to users.
In this way it is possible to anticipate the need for pavement change, in the short, medium and long term, in order to avoid risks to users' health and liabilities of very high economic cost.

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